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About us
We would like to introduce you to our Public Speaking team. Our team conducts workshops at libraries, schools, after-school programs, and churches throughout New York City. If you are in the NYC and would like us to conduct two six week workshops in your area, call 718-337-3745 or 718-337-3195 and speak to Dwain or Michelle.
Why we wrote the book and designed the program?
Our people are growing up without knowing the value and the necessity of effective communication. Often they mumble, avoid eye contact, dress inappropriately, lack confidence, or they are extremely boisterous. Young people need to know how to present themselves–on an interview, before an audience or with their peers–for in order to lead your followers need to understand what you are saying.
It is time for no more business as usual–our youth need to carry themselves properly, they need to convey their thoughts and ideas effectively, and they need to know that it is expected of them! A great selection of different games offered by best online casino uk.
This is why we wrote Excuse Me! Let Me Speak…A Young Persons Guide to Public Speaking and designed a 12 week public speaking program (divided in to two six week sessions) to help them become tomorrows leaders…today.
Meet the Team
We are a team of dedicated professionals, ready to do what ever it takes to make your business grow
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[av_team_member name=’Dwain G. Welcome’ job=’Public speaker’ src=’http://excusemeletmespeak.com/new_site/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/IMG_0378-150×150.jpg’ attachment=’3302′ description=’Dwain G. Welcome is a public speaker, Toastmaster contest winner and coach. Dwain has been a mentor for two years at the Centennial Elementary School in Roosevelt NY. He has a Masters in Urban Planning (MUP) from Hunter College and a BA in Political Science from Stony Brook University.’]
[av_team_member name=’Michelle J Dyett-Welcome’ job=’Author’ src=’http://excusemeletmespeak.com/new_site/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/IMG_0363-150×150.jpg’ attachment=’3304′ description=’Michelle J Dyett-Welcome is the author of Excuse Me! Let Me Speak…A Young Persons Guide to Public Speaking. She is also a copywriter, public speaker Toastmaster contest winner and a homeschooler. She has a Masters of Education (MSEd) from Hunter College and a BBA in Finance from Baruch College. ‘]
[av_team_icon title=’Michelle on linkdin’ link=’http://www.linkedin.com/pub/michelle-dyett-welcome/5/50a/532′ link_target=’_blank’ icon=’ue8fd’ font=’entypo-fontello’]
[av_team_member name=’Angela Layne’ job=’Toastmaster ‘ src=’http://excusemeletmespeak.com/new_site/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/angelapic1.bmp’ attachment=” description=’Angela Layne graduated from Queens College with a BA in Political Science. She has utilized her leadership skills for over 15 years as a Girl Scout leader. Angela is an accomplished Toastmaster and an experienced mentor.’]
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[av_team_member name=’Letitea J. Archer’ job=’Public speaker.’ src=’http://excusemeletmespeak.com/new_site/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/letitea-archer-150×150.jpg’ attachment=’3305′ description=’Letitea J. Archer is an experienced public speaker. She has been a Toastmaster for over 15 years and has earned the title of Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). She has conducted numerous public speaking workshops in the NYC area. And she is an experienced one on one public speaking coach.’]
[av_team_member name=’G. Dewey Smalls’ job=’Marketing Professional’ src=’http://excusemeletmespeak.com/new_site/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Dewey-heat-shot-150×150.jpg’ attachment=’3308′ description=’G. Dewey Smalls has been a mentor to young adults for over 25 years. He is a marketing professional with diverse experience in public service, education, and politics. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Delaware and received additional training from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.’]
[av_team_member name=’Alexis Ramos’ job=’Toastmasters ‘ src=’http://excusemeletmespeak.com/new_site/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Ms-Ramos.bmp’ attachment=” description=’Alexis Ramos is a native New Yorker. She is employed at the United States Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New York as the assistant to the director of the graduate program. Alexis is a Toastmasters and has won four awards with Toastmasters. Her motto in toastmasters is “a personal story is the best story to tell”.’]
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What others say about us
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[av_testimonial_single src=” attachment=” name=’Rebecca Kochenderfer’ subtitle=’Senior Editor’ link=” linktext=”]
“Excuse Me! Let Me Speak…is a wonderful tool for homeschooling parents and teachers. It gives practical ways for children to master the art of public speaking, which is a valuable skill to have and such a confidence builder.”
[av_testimonial_single src=” attachment=” name=’Cheryl Antier’ subtitle=’Director , Writer‛s Business Academy’ link=” linktext=”]
“Excuse Me! Let Me Speak… speaks to kids on their level – without speaking down to them or talking over their heads. It provides fast, powerful techniques that kids of all ages can start using right away to build and develop speaking skills that will help them in all aspects of their lives..”
[av_testimonial_single src=” attachment=” name=’Letitea F. Archer’ subtitle=’DTM (Toastmaster)’ link=” linktext=”]
Excuse Me! Let Me Speak… is a powerful book for anyone—youth or adult! You will gain full understanding of oral presentation, effective communication, and how to portray confidence in the public speaking arena!”
[av_testimonial_single src=” attachment=” name=’Michael G. Holmes’ subtitle=’CC Toastmaster’ link=” linktext=”]
“… I‛m so excited about Excuse Me! Let Me Speak. The author, Michelle Dyett-Welcome, has laid out a simple and effective to teach kids the virtues of public speaking. I recommend this for any parent who wishes to unlock their child‛s potential.”