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Does your child’s stomach fill with butterflies at the thought of speaking in public?

According to surveys, public speaking is the number one fear among Americans. The fear of death comes in at a distant second.

The ability to speak in front of an audience defines leaders. And you want your child to be a leader—to stand out amongst his/her peers.

As a parent you cannot give the presentation for your child but you can equip them. You can help them master the skill of public speaking thus ensuing that they will stand out from the ordinary child.

Excuse Me! Let Me Speak… “is a child friendly workbook” that walks children through the simple steps they need to become confident, bold, professional public speakers.

  • If you want your child to be a leader…
  • If you want your child to stand out…
  • If you want your child to communicate effectively…

Get Excuse Me! Let Me Speak …today!

Click here to order hard cover edition..

Click here to order PDF edition for only $24.95.

If you have questions call us at:

718-337-3745 or use our Support Desk.

Pick up your copy of Excuse Me! Let Me Speak…NOW! And help your child become one of tomorrow’s leaders—today!

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Why we wrote the book and designed the program?

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What others say about us


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[av_testimonials style=’grid’ columns=’2′ interval=’5′]
[av_testimonial_single src=” attachment=” name=’Rebecca Kochenderfer’ subtitle=’Senior Editor’ link=” linktext=”]
Excuse Me! Let Me Speak…is a wonderful tool for homeschooling parents and teachers. It gives practical ways for children to master the art of public speaking, which is a valuable skill to have and such a confidence builder.”
[av_testimonial_single src=” attachment=” name=’Cheryl Antier’ subtitle=’Director , Writer‛s Business Academy’ link=” linktext=”]
Excuse Me! Let Me Speak… speaks to kids on their level – without speaking down to them or talking over their heads. It provides fast, powerful techniques that kids of all ages can start using right away to build and develop speaking skills that will help them in all aspects of their lives..


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